
What is your relationship with money?

Have you ever reflected on your relationship with money, and how that may be influencing your personal as well as your professional life? How about finding out this new year.

Some of you may know that I am studying Transactional Analysis which is a theory of inter-personal communication, development, growth and change. As part of the study I took part in a workshop that explored our relationship with money.

I found the workshop extremely insightful because it brought into awareness the following:

  • My present relationship with money

  • How I came to have such a relationship with money and

  • Armed with this understanding the action to take, if any, to change that relationship

I have shared this experience in a workshop here in The Hague in the past which was well received. If you are interested to explore how your ancestors might have influenced your relationship with money, then let me know by sending an email to :

Once I have a group of 8 persons interested I will notify you of the date and time of the workshop as well as the fee. Alternatively you can also do an individual session at an agreed fee.